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Why can't I get the payment page when I hit that green Buy Bonus Chips button, choose my BCs, and click ‘Submit?'

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When you go to puchase Bonus Chips, you get choices of how much you want to buy. You have to make a choice and then hit the 'submit' button at the bottom.

If you also hit the "i" icon it tells you, "When you click "Submit" you will be directed to our payment provider, RealEx, who will process your payment."

But I press the Submit button and nothing happens!

asked Oct 5, 2015 in Using This Site by WallyRob ( 3,801 points)
edited Oct 6, 2015 by Poqery

1 Answer

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If you aren't directed to a payment process page, the problem may be with pop-ups. In Google Chrome, hit the three little bars at the top right of the page and from the drop down box, click on 'settings.'

At the bottom of the settings page, click on 'Show Advanced Settings.'  Then, under the box called "Privacy"  click on 'Content Settings" A box will pop up and mid-way down that box is a setting called "pop ups." Now, Google Chrome recommends you leave the box ticked that says do not allow any site to show pop ups. That is okay. Leave it ticked.

But, click on the box that says 'Manage Exceptions." You will see a box where you can write Poqery.com. This makes an exception for Poqery.com ONLY. Click the box that says DONE and you are good to go!
answered Oct 5, 2015 by WallyRob ( 3,801 points)