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What do you think about hunting like hobby

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1,065 views asked Apr 26, 2016 in Any Old Thing by rollon ( 11,325 points)

7 Answers

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Best answer

Well unless what you hunt is causing a problem with humans being too many then I am against it.    If you need to feed your family then okay.   If your after their fur or tusks its inhuman.  Now roll if you mean hunting for a man,  thats another story.   LOL  angelangeldevil

answered Apr 26, 2016 by xxYuMMyxx ( 9,165 points)
selected May 6, 2016 by rollon
you psychic yum? me too... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Hahahahaha not for a man not, either for aliens or similar criatures :-D
ty roll  lol
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Presidents lots of different state this is seen as prestige

answered May 3, 2016 by JJMILAN ( 18,888 points)
Good to know, thank you JJMILAN!!!
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it was always and will  remain as a hobby

answered May 3, 2016 by JJMILAN ( 18,888 points)
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Hobby , hobby , who the f#^k is hobby
answered May 2, 2016 by homiej ( 13,614 points)
Hahahaha sounds like the little cousin of hobbit
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i dont mind hunting for fresh fish for sashimi, lol. its also hunting right? ;-)
answered Apr 30, 2016 by camui123 ( 20,983 points)
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the merkin8r hunt's merkin's ............ bang bang
answered Apr 28, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
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Actually I think if what you are hunting is armed also then go for it. If you are hunting with a camera the sky is the limit.
answered Apr 26, 2016 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)
Thank you and thank you all for answers :-)
my very pleasure and anytime at all hunny. :-P