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isit harder to forgive than to forget or should u do both ???

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527 views asked Nov 29, 2015 in Any Old Thing by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)

5 Answers

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Best answer
its harder to forget but i prefer to forgive. i take anything as an entertain, even better, a lesson. we live hard on earth. why should we do it even harder? just sit back.... :)
answered Nov 30, 2015 by camui123 ( 20,983 points)
selected Dec 2, 2015 by seacrittur
Amen! We can never forget our history, but we can certainly learn, live and grow from there!
exactly.... although it sounds clisse (?)
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Mos of times i forgive cuz anyone make mistakes BUT, i never forget.
answered Dec 3, 2015 by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)
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don't 4give ( maybe you can ) , never 4get , allways get even .........
answered Dec 3, 2015 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
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you forgive with the heart but the memory remains in the mind forever
answered Dec 2, 2015 by SurfRat ( 7,910 points)
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That all depends on the situation and who the other party is.
answered Nov 30, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)