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Such an amazing gesture from baltimore ravens wide receiver Steve Smith!

Earlier this year 18-year-old Aubrey Bridges saw a video of Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Steve Smith dancing and thought, naturally, that he’d make for a great prom date. Through WBTV’s “Molly’s Kids” program, Smith heard about Bridges’ story and asked her to prom — an invitation she duly accepted.

Bridges is autistic and has a rare circulation disorder known as vein of Galen Malformation, but with Smith on her arm, she arrived at the prom in a massive stretch hummer limousine and was later in the night elected prom queen. Smith also surprised her with diamond earrings and a necklaceheart


asked Apr 28, 2016 in Any Old Thing by jessicanc ( 27,488 points)

3 Answers

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smiley yes he doing Bridges feel good, and it´s good not just for her but for many others, like her or different than her

answered May 6, 2016 by rollon ( 11,325 points)
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yep what a gr8 man , the merkin8r tip's hes hat to hem ........
answered Apr 28, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
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That is one amazing man. I love to hear stories like this just to remind us all that every day there are still so many people in this world doing kind, generous, unselfish acts.
answered Apr 28, 2016 by only1dani ( 30,314 points)