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Do you know of the aproching planet called nibiru and the findings this planet has on the new world order

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497 views asked Jun 18, 2016 in Any Old Thing by ashevillebelle ( 3,855 points)

4 Answers

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nibiru are the same as old pluto's?,
answered Aug 4, 2016 by bhilingga123 ( 3,880 points)
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many therioes abound as to IF there is another Planet attached to our Solor System ,some are because of superstition others because of planetary orbit descrepencies & some say the math is there to indicate more mass is involved in system makeup. most likey there are other planetoids further out than pluto , but nothing indicates a massive dark planet that would cause planetary orbital drag or that it swings thru the inner solor system even IF on a 100,000 year orbit we would still see its affects on system for millions of years( takes that long for planet orbits to realign)
answered Jul 10, 2016 by SurfRat ( 7,910 points)
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I think it is time to JAD !!
answered Jun 19, 2016 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)
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yes The Merkin8r know's about this and more , it's all on you tube ........ weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
answered Jun 19, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)