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Who likes the new site and who does not

9 like 2 dislike

and why

asked Jul 16, 2016 in Poker by JJMILAN ( 18,888 points)
very complicated and play multi table a nightmare system pesimo premiacion language super- complicated and more for nopaypoker Latinos was only deployed multiple screens to play and the system only awards a real shame and sadness to departure and nothing will be the same I'll allow time for this new game but I do not feel comfortable
I've seen plenty of make shift poker sites with one intention, to keep costs low and make profits, they all have the same unimaginative software almost to a point where you could call them family members.

Sad as it is to say, the graphics and gameplay on here fall will within those margins. I was with no pay for long and weary, yes it had its issues but imho it was far better than this.
so far we have games crashing etc., well get used to it, I get the feeling that the only way is down. I currently have just over a thousand dollars in my account. I think I will come in and blow the lot in a glorified orgy slash swan song.

I wish all my friends from NPP the best of luck, I get a feeling they are going to need it.

7 Answers

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Best answer
I love it!

Now you want know why? It´s simple, if i loved NoPayPoker and Poqery is much much more better.....you have the correct answer :)

Enjoy Poqery and good luck on tables.
answered Jul 16, 2016 by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)
selected Aug 3, 2016 by JJMILAN
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am like a new site,,, its good... :D and easy to playing...
answered Aug 3, 2016 by bhilingga123 ( 3,880 points)
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Not sure if I like it yet. It's a new site and of course confusing. It's just that I knew nopay like the back of my hand.
answered Jul 16, 2016 by xBooBoox ( 1,289 points)
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I like new site.  Is little confusing but think will be fun.
answered Jul 16, 2016 by xxBABYxx ( 785 points)
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ive been here at npp since as far back as i can remember and it was such a great site because it was like no other site,now its just like the rest of them,if its not going to get better than this im not sure if its going to make it,because its just as generic as the rest of them.sit for hours last night waiting on 3 different games and because there wassent enough players the games cancled,,life is way to short for this,i like playing 2 or 3 tables at a time and with this game your lucky to get 1 game to play,,but its new so im going to give it a chance she says gritting her teeth to smile,,,it has to get better
answered Jul 16, 2016 by ashevillebelle ( 3,855 points)
Those games can easily be adjusted so they start with fewer players....

I think in response to the fact that the site is now like any other site, well not that we have seen. Poqery is a very strange mixture of "proper" games - cash, tournament, SnGs, Leagues etc, but at the same time very social oriented. We have played on numerous games where the ability to interact and chat is quite limited, and if they do have good social features the games are usually very basic.

Only time will tell but we think we have kept the core of NPP and added even more fun stuff to it.
1 like 0 dislike
I do .It seemed as much as i loved NPP it had no where to go forward it seemed.

The new site will take a while to get used to when you have been used to NPP for years .

But it looks promising and like anything new strange at first and once the bugs are sorted and it`s up and running,

It will be great .

New games, new formatts, am happy . and it gets you out the comfort zone pipe and slippers, knitting and chocolate ,and poker so to speak lol... thumbs up from me xx
answered Jul 16, 2016 by jessicanc ( 27,488 points)
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it`s down already lol
answered Jul 16, 2016 by jessicanc ( 27,488 points)
Sorry yeah, but back up again