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when the site comes back up and 30kfinal restarts >>see below..

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if you bought into the 30k with 500...do you get to auto join when it restarts or buy in again?
asked Jul 16, 2016 in Poker by xxTaTTxx ( 2,186 points)

2 Answers

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hahaha.... Tatt really...
answered Aug 3, 2016 by bhilingga123 ( 3,880 points)
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Hey xxTaTTxx you are one of the "special" 8 who will be invited back for another game.....
answered Jul 17, 2016 by Poqery ( 88,068 points)
Aww just the 8 that was left in ? Am heartbroken  here`s me entered 2 qualifiers and both times site crashed , so i paid 500 to enter, as i left my 11 children and 4 dogs 8 rabbits, 18 chipmunks with local priest so i could play it, and i was going to give my winnings to the "save the DODO bird society"charity, dang  oh well :P