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info jual beli item,agar kita bisa saling bantu,indonesia ayo kita ngobrol dsni..

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764 views asked Sep 12, 2016 in Help Me Please! by kucing ( 801 points) 1 flag
wah bner nich kak,pada bnyk yg sell item tuker fd,,,barter item donk kita yok
ouy cara jual ama belinya di sini gimana sih. kasih saran gan

1 Answer

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Hi Kucing, 

The Poqery game offers an exchange for players to sell or buy quest items from one another.  You may find this by clicking on your friends icon top of the game lobby, once there click on exchange.  

You may also buy quest items from the Power Up Poqery Store.

If this is not the answer you were looking for please explain in more depth so we can better help you.

Good luck in your games.



answered Oct 1, 2016 by only1dani ( 30,314 points)