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I like to listen to music while playing poker. What kind of music do you listen to while playing poker?

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I like to listen to music while playing poker. What kind of music do you listen to while playing poker?
asked Oct 11, 2015 in Any Old Thing by Darkangel67 ( 11,732 points)

6 Answers

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nopaypoker music ,giffer n kam music
answered Dec 14, 2015 by chiptrouble ( 13,291 points)
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bluegrass,country from40s -70s
answered Dec 5, 2015 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)
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any good tunes that fit into my mood....
answered Nov 14, 2015 by camui123 ( 20,983 points)
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70's rock for me
answered Nov 4, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
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I usually watch T.V. while I play .....unless Giffer or Kammy are playing  the radio at NoPayPoker than sometimes I will listen to them.They sure do play some good tunes .:)
answered Oct 31, 2015 by pippy ( 5,380 points)
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I like to listen to country music. I prefer older country (well older to me) the type my grandfather use to listen to. While I like a lot of what has come out in the last 10 years or so there is a lot of the more recent I don't care for nearly as much.
answered Oct 12, 2015 by only1dani ( 30,314 points)
Country is definitely NOT what it used to be.  It seems like it has lost its roots, and has gone to more of a different style altogether.  I love the sound of the steel guitar, and twang sound of the old country. The era of barn dances, and ho downs.
There's a ho down, good lord hope someone helps her up!!